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Put your hard earned cash to work today by signing up for this exclusive, limited-time offer. Its not everyday you have the chance to say you have a GeniusIdea. Stripe, PayPal, Gumrod or others.

Item Name Item Price Item Actions
GeniusIdea™ Introduction $29.99 Remove
GeniusFactory™ Access $69.99 Remove
GeniusStepOne™ $199.99 Remove
GeniusStepTwo™ $299.99 Remove
GeniusStepThree™ $399.99 Remove
Idealizer™ Service Charge $19.99 Remove
GeniusShippingAndHandling™ $9.99 Remove
GeniusTax™ $99.99 Remove
Total: $1,999.99
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Registration Information

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We will use this for your own purposes

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We will sell this to spammers off shore

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We will send the GeniusIdea™, along with boner pill adds, to this address

Show Terms
These terms are governed by goddamn Genius Law™. Any contract for the purchase of ideas from this site and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with any such ideas will be governed by goddamn Genius Law™. You and we both agree that you're not a genius and that the courts of goddamn GeniusIdeaFactory™ will have exclusive ass jurisdiction. However, if you are a certified genius in your own right, in Northern Ireland you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, and if you are a resident in Scotland you may get drunk in Scotland.
Agree to our terms of use (not that you understand them)

Purchase Total: $1,999.99